The ability to generate reports that allow you to visualize and analyze data is a key feature of DrCloudEHR. Using reports, you can format any data in the system to meet your requirements.
Reports act on data stored in the DrCloudEHR database. When you run a report, you actually run a series of SQL queries against the database. The data model is designed to generate rich and valuable reports that integrate demographics and associated services data in an easy and accurate manner.
The application provides more than 100 reports you can use for regulatory and operational needs, including meaningful use reporting. For a list of available reports, see List of Standard Reports.
In addition to the standard reports, your organization can create custom reports that to suit the specific needs of your organization. You should be familiar with how data is stored in your system in order to map a form field to a database field, and have some familiarity with database concepts, including database schema structure and SQL queries.
All standard and custom reports can be exported to Excel, PDF, and comma-separated value (CSV) formats. All reports can be printed using the browser’s print option and installed PDF printer drivers.
You can also generate forms built using the Form Builder feature. Like other reports, forms built using Form Builder act on data stored in the DrCloudEHR database. For more information on using Form Builder, see Using Form Builder.