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Creating a healthcare management plan is essential for effective patient care. Here’s how to set one up:

  1. Access the patient's chart and scroll down to the healthcare management plan section. Select "new" to initiate the process.
  2. Choose between the ABC data sheet or the healthcare management plan. For this example, select the healthcare management plan.
  3. Enter the desired outcome in the designated field.
  4. If applicable, select a review date for the plan.
  5. Identify the risk area or condition. In this example, psychiatry is chosen, focusing on building relationships and social activities.
  6. Add any relevant interventions. This includes selecting a DSP intervention and, if necessary, adding RN or LPN interventions.
  7. Save the information.
  8. To review the healthcare management plan, scroll up and select it. You will see the patient's demographics at the top, followed by the healthcare management plan details, including the risk area or condition, desired outcome, and any interventions listed.
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