The form_encounter table contains information captured during an encounter.

Field NameDescription
dateDate when the service was provided by the doctor.
reasonPurpose for the visit.
facilityName of the facility where the patient visits the doctor.
pidPatient's identification number.
encounterA unique encounter number that identifies the encounter record.
pc_catidCategory identification number.
provider_idProvider Identification number.
billing_facilityIdentification number of the billing facility.
rendering_provider_idRendering provider identification number.
bill_typeValue indicates the type of the claims form.
durarion_unitDuration of the service in units.
bill_toValue indicates whom to send the bill.
diagnostic_codesDiagnosis codes used for the service.
from_timeStart time of the service.
to_timeEnd time of the service.
service_codesService codes used for the service.
form_telehealthValue indicates if service was provided via TeleHealth.

Identifier for the provider who created the encounter.

created_onDate the encounter was created.
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