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Assigning service allotments to a person is a straightforward process that ensures accurate tracking of services provided. Follow these instructions to set up service allotments effectively.

  1. Navigate to the individual's chart and locate the 'services' section, then select 'service allotment' and click on 'new.'
  2. Choose the service you wish to assign from the dropdown menu. For example, select 'residential habilitation supports.'
  3. Confirm that the correct individual is displayed. Always double-check this information.
  4. Enter the total approved units for the service. Specify the start date and ensure the service is marked as active.
  5. Save the allotment. This action will allow the system to deduct units from the approved total as services are billed.
  6. To add additional service allotments, repeat the process. For instance, if you want to include day services, enter the approved units (e.g., 150) and set the start date to today.
  7. As billing occurs for these services, the consumed units will update automatically. You can monitor the changes in the service allotments section.
  8. The approved units will remain constant, while the consumed units will fluctuate, allowing you to see the remaining units available for each service.

By following these instructions, you can effectively manage service allotments and keep track of the services provided to individuals.

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