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To effectively manage room assignments within a facility, follow these instructions to set up your room inventory.

  1. Access the room inventory tab as an admin.
  2. Select the house for which you are setting up the inventory.
  3. Enter the building name.
  4. Specify the floor number, indicating if there are one, two, or three floors in the house.
  5. Provide bed details:
    1. Indicate whether the bed is single or private.
    2. Specify if it is shared; for this example, set it up as shared.
  6. Choose a room type based on medication or diagnosis or leave it blank.
  7. Confirm the shared type as either private or shared.
  8. Mark the room as active or inactive.
  9. Set the bed availability as available.
  10. For shared rooms, specify if it is for male or female occupants.
  11. Select 'Save' to complete the room assignment setup.

After completing these actions, you will have successfully set up the first room assignment for the designated house. The details will show that it is a shared male room, available, located in the specified building and floor.

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