The Billing table holds information about the fees, modifiers and service codes used to bill for services.  

Field NameDescription
dateDate when the fee sheet was created.
code_typeCodes like services codes, HCPCS , ICD10  codes used for the service.
codeService codes used for the service.
pidPatient identification number.
provider_idProvider identification number.
userName of the logged in user.
encounterEncounter number for the service.
payer_idInsurance company identification number.
bill_dateDate when the fee sheet was billed.
process_dateDate when the claim was processed.
modifierModifiers used for the service.
unitsNumber of units used for the service.
feeTotal amount charged for the service.
x12_partner_idClearing house identification number.
is_billableValue indicates if the fee sheet is billable or non-billable.
contract_amtAmount specified in the contact for the service. 
last_modified_byName of the provider that last modified.
last_modified_onDate when the fee sheet was last modified.
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