Adverse Events Report

The following are standard reports provided with DrCloudEHR. Click the Reports tab to access the reports.

Report Name

Report Description

Clients > List

Displays a list of patient visits.

Clients > RX

Displays a list of prescriptions and dispensations for patients.

Clients > Patient List Creation

Displays medications, problems, allergies, lab results and immunization history for patients.

Clients > Clinical

Displays a summary of patient details including drug details.

Clients > Encounters

Displays a patient list with diagnosis data.

Clients > Referrals

Displays patient referral transaction details.

Clients > Immunization Registry

Displays a list of vaccinated patients' immunizations, based on the following factors:

  • Immunization Code
  • Date Interval
  • HL7 Format File

Clients > Patient Admit History

Displays Admit/Discharge details for a patient.

Clients > Pellet Order

Displays a list of patients with the Labs/Procedure Order form.

Clients > View Deleted Encounter Forms

Displays a list of encounter forms that were deleted based on the date range and the facility selected.

Clients > Case Staff

Displays a list of all patients as of today.

Clients > Case Load

Displays a list of patient details based on the facility and providers selected.

Clients > Case Load By Admit Providers-V1

Displays a list of patients based on facility and provider.

Clients > Case Load By Admit Providers-V2

Displays a list of patients based on facility, provider, date of admission, and insurance.

Clients > Birthday List

Displays a list of registered patients whose birthdays fall on the selected month.

Clients > Vehicle Information

Displays a list of patient vehicle registration log details.

Clients > Incomplete Nine Points of Contact

Displays a list of patients with the global flag Enable Nine Points Contact Feature enabled.

Clients > Patient Hospitalization Report

Displays a list of patients whose encounter On Set Date falls between the selected dates.

Clients > PAN Usage Report

Displays a list of patients with a Prior Authorization Number included in the fee sheet.

MU Reports > Report Results

Displays the status of Meaningful Use reports that were processed on the date range selected.

MU Reports > Standard Measures

Displays compliance with standard measures.

MU Reports > Clinical Quality Measures (CQM)

Displays compliance with Clinical Quality Measures.

MU Reports > Automated Measure Calculations (AMC)

Displays data required to submit Meaningful Use reports.

MU Reports > CCBHC

Displays a patient list based on Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics criteria set for non-profit organizations.

MU Reports > (AMC) Tracking

Displays Automated Measure Calculations summaries with referral information, patient requested medical records, and patient visit records.

MU Reports > Audit Log Tamper

Displays compliance with Meaningful Use Stage II reports.

MU Reports > Download CCDA Report 

Displays a patient’s Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture data.

MU Reports > View CCDA Log

Displays Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture transactions.

Visits > Appointments

Displays appointment details for selected patients.

Visits > Encounters

Displays the number of encounters per provide, and encounter form and billing status details. 

Visits > Appointments and Encounters by Provider

Displays appointment details with the number of encounters for each provider with billing details.

Visits > Appointments and Encounters by Resident

Displays appointment details and number of encounters for each patient with billing details.

Visits > Superbill

Displays the details of patients who had encounters during the selected date range.

Visits > Eligibility

Displays patient Insurance eligibility for the selected EDI clearinghouse.

Visits > Eligibility Response

Form letter (EDI-271) response for claims made by the selected facility from the selected third party, such as an EDI clearlinghouse.

Visits > Chart Out

Displays the patient name based on patient ID.

Visits > Services

Displays the list of service codes (CPT4, ICD9, CVX, HCPCS, etc.) that are available in the system.

Visits > Syndromic Surveillance

Displays a list of patients having ICD9 Codes for Medical problems and allergies if any associated with the patient.

Visits > Daily Status Report

Displays a list of patient’s daily appointments details

Visits > Monthly Visit Count

Displays a list of Monthly visit appointment and it will display name by category of the appointment

Visits > Daily Visit Shift Count

Displays a list of patient’s daily appointment based on the shifts wise

Visits > Patient Appointments

Displays patient information based on the status selected during the appointment process. For example, to see all patients who canceled their appointment with less than 24 hours notice, select  Canceled < 24 h  from the  Status  drop-down list.

Practice > Patient Demography

Displays a graphical representation of the population of patients based on the following categories:

  • Gender
  • Appointments
  • Ethnicity
  • Age Group

Practice > Resident Population by Medical Issues

Displays the resident patient population based on medical issues.

Practice > Admissions

Displays the number of new admissions per day based on the date range and selected facility.

Practice > Therapist Productivity by Payer Source

Displays the fee that is paid for each provider from different Insurance companies.

Practice > Therapist Productivity by Payer Code

Displays the fee paid to each provider by payer codes.

Practice > Notes Completion Compliance Graph

Displays the number of Completed and Pending Service note forms.

Practice > Utilization Summary by Payer Source

Displays the utilization summary of procedure codes for the number of clients and the number of units against each procedure code against each insurance provider.

Practice > Utilization Summary by Payer Code

Displays the utilization summary of procedure codes for the number of clients and the number of units against each procedure code against each payer code.

Practice > Client Utilization Report

Displays the utilization report of a patient for the specific month.

Practice > Package Orders

Displays a list of patients who purchased the package.

Practice > Bed Utilization Report

Displays a list of patients who are admitted and utilized a bed at time of admission.

Practice > Adverse Events Report

Displays a graphical view of the patient’s medical problems.

Practice > Progress Notes

Displays a list of patient appointments.

Practice > Census Report

Displays a list of patients whose status is Admitted / Active / Birthday / Discharged / Deceased) for the given month.

Practice > Unapplied Cash Report

Displays a list of undistributed paid amount for each admitted resident.

Practice > BOP Sign In / Sign Out Log Report

Report shows BOP Sign In/ Sign Out form usage history by the users.

Financial > Pre-Billing Report > Override Rate Report

Displays a list of residents that have a override amount for the given month and facility.

Practice > Fixed Payment Report

Displays a list of residents admitted to the selected facility with a fixed amount for the selected month. Also displays the billing details.

Practice > Rent Roster

Displays a list of residents admission details for the selected facility along with current rates.

Practice > PAY.GOV Monthly Report

Displays a list of items billed and payments received, also displays the amount claimed and received by for reconciliation.

Practice > Room Occupancy Report

Displays a list of rooms allocated to the patients.

Practice > Resident Assistance Tracker

Displays a list of residents who received services within the selected week.

Practice > Residential Report by Level of Care

Displays a list of patients with admitted facility and Level of care.

Practice > Falls Cumulative Tracker

Displays a list of patients whose Incident Type is "Fall".

Practice > 24 Hour Nursing Summary

Displays a list of floor and facility, care plan and incident results.

Practice > Admit/Discharge Survey Report

Displays a list of  patients records who used "Admit/Discharge Survey" form in the encounters.

Practice > ETAR

ETAR allows the user to track medication history of the patients for the given date range.

Practice > Length of Stay

Displays the total number of days spent by the patients in the facilities.

Practice > Level of Care Change Report

Displays patient’s level of care and admitted facility details.

Financial > Sales

Displays the saleRoom Occupancy of each item (service code) that has been billed for a patient against an invoice.

Financial > Patient Rec

Displays the cash receipts for each provider along with the procedure details and invoice details.

Financial > Receipts Summary

Displays a receipt summary of the payments received from Insurance and patient along with the invoice and procedure details.

Financial > Collections

Displays the collection for each patient against each Invoice based on aging.

Financial > Canceled Checks

Displays a list of Canceled Checks along with the reason for cancelation.

Financial > Financial Summary by Service Codes

Report generates a financial summary for each service code based on the date range.

Financial > Outstanding Revenue by Age

Displays the Outstanding Revenue for different Aging Columns.

Financial > Billed Claims

Displays a list of patients whose HFCA and UBO4 are generated.

Financial > Overridden Encounters

Displays a list of patients encounters that were overridden for billing along with the reason.

Financial > Fee assessment Details

Displays level of care and income status of the patients.

Financial > Resident Room Fee Report

Displays room fees for the residents.

Financial > Monthly Rents & Billing Report

Displays a list of residents whose PAY.GOV transactions were successful.

Financial > Pay.Gov Failure Report

Displays a list of residents whose PAY.GOV transactions were denied due to error conditions or insufficient funds.

Financial > Ancillary Charges Report

Report generates the list of ancillaries used by the residents for the given month and year.

Financial > Non-Billed Residents Report

Displays a list of residents in a facility who are not billed for the given month and year.

Financial > Billed and Unallocated Report

Displays a list of residents encounters who has Unapplied cash and have Batch Encounters where amount needs to be manually allocated.

Financial > Resident Refund Report

Displays a list of all residents whose payments (amounts) are refunded.

Financial > Provider`s Individual Timesheet Report

Displays a list of patients who are under 3 years of age.

Financial > Monthly Consolidated Timesheet Report by Patient

Displays a Monthly Consolidated Timesheet Report by Patient who are under 3 years of age.

Financial > Monthly Consolidated Timesheet Report by Provider

Displays a Monthly Consolidated Timesheet Report by Provider who are under 3 years of age.

Financial > Patient Refund Report

Displays a list of patients whose amount was refunded within a given date range.

Financial > Adjustments Report

Displays a list of records where adjustments posted for a given date range.

Financial > ERA Process Report

Displays a list of ERA processed for the selected date range.

Inventory > List

Displays a list of drugs that were ordered or reordered.

Inventory > Transactions

Displays Drug details like number of sales, distributions, purchases, transfers and Adjustments.

Inventory > Activity

Displays the transaction type (purchase /returns, transfers, sale, and distributions, adjustment) for each drug.

Procedures > Pending Res

Displays a list of procedure orders with the status as pending.

Procedures > Statistics

Displays patients procedure statistics based on the selection criteria.

Insurance > Distribution

Displays the charges paid by the patient’s primary insurance of each insurance provider based on the number of visits and patients.

Insurance > Distribution by Payer Code

Displays the charges paid by the patients based on the Payer code.

Insurance > Indigents

Displays the patient pending balance against each Invoice.

Insurance > Unique SP

Displays a list of patients with primary and secondary insurance details.

Blank Forms

Blank Forms

Group Session > Group Session Tracking

Displays the number of patients in each Group Session along with their details.

Group Session > Outstanding dues

Report generates a list of patients who have outstanding amount that needs to be paid their sessions.

Group Session > Print Roster

Displays a list of patients who attended the group sessions.

Custom Timesheet Users Count

Displays a monthly time sheet created for different list of providers. 

Patients > I Care Plan Report

Report used to track patient care progress on a monthly basis.

Patients > Incident Report-Clinical-Non-Clinical

Displays a list of patient who have met with an incidents like Suicide, Fall, Fire accident etc.

Custom Discharge Report

Displays a patient discharge list.

Custom Level of Care Change Report

Displays a patient level of care.

Custom Massage Therapy Resident Daily Attendance Report

Displays a list of patients with the category name as Massage Therapy.

Custom Pause Report

Displays a patient’s pause dates and with reasons.

Custom Resident Primary Details

Displays the Patient’s date with number of times based on the admit/discharge/Pause.

Custom Resident Referral to Transactions

Displays a patient "Referral To Provider" transaction details.

Custom Resident Referral Transactions

Displays a patient referral transaction details.

Custom Clients with access to patient portal

Displays a list of patients who have access to patient portal.

Custom Staff

Displays a lit of active staff in the application.

Monthly Status Report

Displays a list of patients who attended group session on a monthly basis and their current status.

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