The following are the basic field types:


Text field type is used to display data, or accept data from the user.


Date field allows user to select the date from the calendar, when clicked on the field a pop-up calendar appears. Current Date can be set as the default value at the field settings. 


Checkbox field type allows the user to select multiple values from the list of options. 

Date Time

Similar to Date field, but has an option to include time. Time option below the calendar allows the user to select time.

Text Area

Text area allows the user to enter a large amount of data. A scroll bar will automatically appear on the right when the text goes beyond its confines. 

Rich Text Field

Rich text field allows user to format the data, saves and displays the data in the same format user entered.


There are three types of numeric data fields that allow users to save numeric values.

  • Integer: allows user to enter numeric values 
  • Decimal: allows user to enter numeric values with decimals
  • Range Slider: allows user to select from the range of numerical values by dragging on the slider control. 


Time field allows user to enter time. 

Date Difference

Calculates the date difference in years and days between two dates.

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