Under Billing -> Billing Dashboard we will find the new implemented Billing Dashboard. This will offer billing personnel a summary of Claims and billing statuses, along with some dollar amounts for a given date range for all HCFA (CMS-1500) and UB-04 encounters. It is worth noting however, that UB-04 encounters are turned off by default, as not every client has an inpatient facility. The UB-04 information can be turned on under Administration -> Global Settings -> Billing -> Include UB-04 data in Billing Dashboard. If this checkbox is checked, UB-04 data will show up. 

At the top of the billing Dashboard we will see a date filter select, and a set of date inputs with a from and a to date. These are mostly for display purposes only, so if from the select, a user chooses “last 30 days” The from and to inputs will display those dates for what the last 30 days were. The inputs will be disabled. If a user would like a date range that is not available from the select itself, then select “Custom” from the Select, and the from and to inputs will enable, and users may enter their custom dates, and click search, and the dashboard will reflect accordingly. To date must always be greater than from date. 

Along with offering information about counts and dollar amounts, this also gives direct access to the Billing Manager and the Claims Manager, passing through the filters that are present from within the Dashboard. For example, if a user were to have the date range selected from the filter at the top of the billing dashboard, and a user were to click on one of the tiles in a display labeled “Claim Status”, We should see a dialog opened to the Claims manager. In addition to the Claims manager being opened, we should see some filters that are passed through as well. We should see a date range (if one was provided) passed through, we should also see the claim type passed through (if clicking on a CMS-1500 tile, we will see claim type of HCFA displayed, if UB-04 tile is clicked we will see UB-04 claim type selected). We will also see whatever claim status that was clicked passed through as well, so if a user clicked on a tile that said “Rejected”, we should only see claims that have a current status of Rejected as well. 

If users click on any of the displays that have the word “Billable” in the title bar, we should see the same filters passed (like to the Claims Manager), except we will see these filters passed to the Billing Manager instead. 

To close any of the Dialogs, simply click the circle with the “X” located at the top right of the dialog. 

It is important to note, that any changes made in the Claims Manager or Billing Manager will not be reflected immediately upon the close of the dialog, if a user wishes to see updated data, they must click the refresh button located near the date filter at the top of the page. We display the last updated information just below the date filters. We should see something like “Accurate as of...”.